Belonging to Bills Mafia

Hey-ey-ey-ey! Let's go Buffalo! If you know me, even a little bit, you can actually hear what you just read. You might have even sung it in your head. In case you don't know, this song is the theme song of the Buffalo Bills fan base. It is played every time the Bills score and when they win the game. You ever wanna see a large group of people immediately react and go nuts? Just play, what we all call it, "The Shout Song." In fact, if two Buffalonians get married and this song isn't played, it might not actually be an official wedding. Anyway, why am I talking about this? Well, since the Bills season ended just short of the Super Bowl, and they did FAR better than anyone expected them to, I started to think about just how intensely I felt different emotions throughout this past season. That led me to wondering why I care that much and why I put myself through some of the stress and aggravation that I do to co-run the Bills Backers Orlando group that I found s...