I'm Not Good Enough (and I'm Glad)

You're probably asking yourself why in the world I'd be glad about not being good enough. Before you shake your head and stop reading, let's back up, first. Coming off my last post, I had just made realizations about the breakup, what attachment theory is, and how it showed itself in what I was going through. Naturally, the first thoughts I had after learning everything were along the lines of how I could use this new knowledge to fix everything. That's what I do, I have to fix things. You know what that is? Control. If I can fix it, that means I can control it. Surprise! Anxious people need to feel like they're in control. Story of my life. At that point, I knew that my anxious attachment style didn't just happen or come out of nowhere. There were patterns that existed. I had acted like this before. But why? What could be causing me to be clingy and needy? Why do I need so much reassurance and validation all the time from everyone? I had to start figuring out...