On and On, Reckless Abandon
Something's wrong, this is gonna shock them... For those of you who grew up around the same time as I did, you *might* recognize those lyrics. If you don't, it's an old Blink-182 song. Ya know, back before Tom left and the group basically fell apart. But I digress. Anyway, in thinking about abandonment, that was the first thing that popped into my head mostly because it was the first song I remembered with the word "abandon" in it, but strangely those lyrics also tie into yet another thing that has been subconsciously going on in my brain for God knows how many years. Yes I know that abandonment and reckless abandon are actually different things, but I think both of those things have been at play in the way I decide to do things or situations I have stayed in for too long. Ok, so let's keep going with this journey I've been having in therapy. I've gone through this heart-wrenching breakup, the world is going crazy, I was furloughed from my job, and ...