
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Complicated World of Attachment Theory

Now that we've gotten an intro out of the way, let's dive in, shall we? Buckle up.  (Another disclosure: Anything that I mention, recommend, link to, etc. is solely because it's something that has worked well for me, something I strongly believe in, or something that I really believe might help others. I have no affiliations with literally anything or anyone, so it's all just my preferences and resources that I've found over the past few months.) As I mentioned, I started therapy at the beginning of May. In full transparency, the main reason I got the push to finally do it was the harsh reality of the possibility of my relationship not working out. I was desperate to do whatever I could to figure out what happened, especially because I was blindsided by the things he was telling me he was feeling. I wanted answers and tangible things that I could use to "prove" that there was still hope. I went into therapy thinking "I'll explain what happened an...

How's that for an intro?

What a year, am I right? Oh wait, it's only July. And we still have a long way to go. In that case, let's dive in, shall we? I suppose it makes the most sense to start with the basics. Hi, my name is Elyse. I'm 32 years old and I live in Central Florida. Wait, that's too basic. I've been going through the hardest period of my life, I'm in therapy weekly, and I've even enrolled in an online personal development "school" to work on me. Wait, that's too much.  I guess the middle ground is to explain what I'm even doing here. Lately I've been toying with the idea to start a blog for really no other reason than to be very open and transparent about things that have been going on in my life in hopes that I can inspire others to take necessary steps in their life. That and to try, from my little corner of the world, to smash the stigma that still exists around mental health. It's 2020 and even though it's been a dumpster fire of a year...